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who are we?

HAVEN@home is a safe place for worshipers to come together as like minded people to give their creative gifts back to the One who gave them to us from the beginning.  



Wondered what it would be like to come together with others just to worship God and expect nothing in return?

Thought about worshipping the only living God just because of who He is, but in your creative way?

Haven@home is for anyone creative:



Artists that paint, draw, color


Minstrels and musicians


Writers and lyricists


Vocalists and psalmists

Who just want to worship God with the talents He gave them.

We are Zion, a chosen people called to worship who seek the Shekinah and Kabod Glory of God.

  • Everything we do is prayer based

  • Our worship to Our Heavenly Father, His Son – Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit is presence based.

  • Knowing that we are not perfect people and that we make mistakes, we strive to live our lives Jesus based.

We believe: 

  • Jesus Christ died on the Cross, was buried and rose to life for our sins and for the redemption of the world.


  • Our Heavenly Father has a plan for each of our lives.


  • We are led by the Spirit of God and Holy Spirit lives within us.


We know that The Word of God, The Holy Bible is infallible, undeniable, indisputable, indestructible and our guide through this life.

Come and join us! Bring your talents and a friend.


September 29, 2020

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